(APRIL 13, 14 & 15) FOR G7, G8-12
- Period 1: 10:30 – 11:00
- Period 2: 11:05 – 11:35
- Period 3: 11:40 – 12:10
- Period 4: 12:30 – 13:00
- Period 5: 13:05 – 13:35
- Period 6: 13:40 – 14:10
Lesson time from Week 12 (04/04/2021)
Dear Parents and Students,
As informed please note that lessons will be taken during next week and the periods timing are as follows;
P1: 08:00 – 08:40
P2: 08:50 – 09:30
P3: 09:40 – 10:20
P4: 10:40 – 11:20
P5: 11:30 – 12:10
P6: 12:30 – 13:10
Inspire Admin
Breakdown and timetable for End of year exam (Grade 4-7)
Dear parents and students,
Please find below the breakdown and timetable for the End of Year Exam 2020-2021.
Best Wishes;
Inspire Admin
Week 12 Weekly Plan
Dear Parents and Students,
Please find below the above subject matter. Note that all lessons will be taken. Grades 4 to 6 will begin their revision by Tuesday, 6th April, 2021. The breakdown and timetable for the end of year exam can be found in the next post.Have a great week.
Inspire Admin
Test 2 Timetable UPDATES
Dear Parents and Students, as informed earlier, please find below the updates on the online test 2 timetable and other dates.
Inspire Admin
Weekly plan and Lesson timing Week 11
Dear Parents and Students,
Please find below the weekly plan for Week 11.
NOTE that Test 2 will be taken as scheduled, but the tests of the Week 12 will be rescheduled to be within Week 11 as well (so 2 tests a day possibly from Tuesday) in order to complete the test in one week. This is to enable everyone to be ready for the End of year exam.
The rescheduled timetable and other updates based on the Ministry of Education's new directives will be posted soon.
Dear Parents and Students,
Please find below the breakdown and schedule for online test 2. Please go through the notes in the schedule as well.Timing during the Week 11 only (due to the cancellation of periods 1 and 2);
Period 3: 10:10 – 10:50
Period 4: 11:00 – 11:40
Period 5: 12:00 – 12:40
Period 6: 12:50 – 13:30
Week 10 Weekly Plan
Dear Parents and Students,
Kindly find below the weekly plan for week 10. Breakdown and test schedule for online test 2 is also posted. Please revise and ensure you are well prepared.
best wishes to all.
Inspire Admin.
Week 9 Weekly Plan
Dear Parents and Students,
Please find attached the above subject matter.
Ensure you are studying daily, attending all lessons and participating in class.
Test 2 is around the corner.
Grade 6 and 7, please complete your registration for TOEFL Jr.,your teachers are already training you, participate well and ask questions.
Grade 4 students, don't forget PIRLS test every Tuesday.
Stay safe and have a great week.
Inspire Admin
Week 7 Weekly Plan (Grade 4-7)
Dear Parents and Students, please find below the weekly plan for week 7 according to each class's timetable.
The remaining tests will be taken during Week 7 scheduled from 8a.m to 6p.m.
As written in the notice before, full day lessons will be taken and the periods timing are as follows;
P1: 08:00 – 08:40
P2: 08:50 – 09:30
P3: 09:40 – 10:20
P4: 10:40 – 11:20
P5: 11:30 – 12:10
P6: 12:30 – 13:10
Lesson timing for Week 6
Dear Parents and Students of G4 to G7,
Lesson timing for Week 6
- No periods 1 and 2.
- Test available from 8a.m and active till 6p.m daily (on Classera Online Exams)
- Lessons start from Period 3 at 10:10a.m according to the timing below;
Period 3: 10:10 – 10:50
Period 4: 11:00 – 11:40
Period 5: 12:00 – 12:40
Period 6: 12:50 – 13:30
Week 6 Weekly plan
Dear Parents and Students,
Kindly find below the above subject matter.
Notice that Periods 1&2 have been removed from the plan to enable many students take the test during that time.
Have a nice week.
Inspire Admin
Test 1 Term 2 Timetable Update
Dear Parents and Students of G4-7, kindly open the link below to find the updates on the test timetable and notes.
Best wishes
Inspire Admin
Week 5 Weekly Plan
Dear Parents and Students,
Kindly find below the weekly plan for the Week 5. As the first test is fast approaching, we encourage you to study hard and make necessary clarifications from your teachers this week.
Regards,Inspire Admin
Online Test 1 - Term 2
Dear Parents and Students,
Please find below the timetable and breakdown for first test of term 2 as part of our termly assessment which will take place during Week 6.
No periods 1 and 2. Test begins from 8a.m and active till 5p.m daily
Lessons start from Period 3 at 10:10a.m according to the timing below;
Weekly Plan for Week 4
Dear Parents and Students,
Kindly find below the plan for Week 4 according to your respective class timetable.
Log-in to Classera from time to time so you get current updates and also so as not to miss the deadline of home works. Remember to attend all lessons from Classera.
For mobile phone version, you can download Classera from either Apple Store or Play Store to your respective phones.
Week 3 Weekly Plan
Dear Parents and Students, Kindly find below the plan for Week 3 according to your respective class timetable.
Attend all your lessons, participate in classroom discussion, answer your teachers when he calls you to attempt question and be punctual with your home works. All these make up your assessment.
Week 2; Term 2 Weekly Plan
Dear Parents and Students,
Please find below the weekly plan as stated above.In case you (students and/or parents) can't still log into Classera with the given details, kindly send an email to
Always join your lessons from Classera - Virtual Classroom in order not to be marked absent.
TERM 2, 2020/2021 CIRCULAR
Dear Parents and Students,
Inspire International Academy welcomes you all to the 2nd term of the 2020-2021 Academic Session. We trust you and your family are staying safe and healthy.
As we are all aware that lessons will be delivered online for the first 10 weeks of the term as announced by the Ministry of Education, we hope to get your maximum cooperation so that learning continues in earnest.
Term 1 Report Cards
Dear Parents and Students,
This is to inform you that the report cards has now been sent to each student's gmail. In case there are any issues to be raised, kindly send an email to about it.
Also, to start off term 2 with Classera, we will be sending updates about it during the holiday.
Sample Exam for Midyear Exam
Dear Students,
Kindly check your emails that you used for Test 2 to find the sample exam and do it over the weekend before 3 PM on Saturday 19th December, 2020.
Please ensure to reset your browser to English (not translation to English).
If any issues are faced, kindly send an email to so we can possibly resolve it or provide guidance.
Kindly note that the revision lessons for this week will be according to the class timetable we have been using. You can find it below in case you need it.
For Grade 4, English, note that a teacher will join the boys during some Islamic Arabic and Math(4B on Wednesday and the 4A,4C on Thursday) classes to do more revision with the students.
Midyear exam timetable and breakdown (UPDATES ON INSTRUCTIONS AND BREAKDOWN) and CLASSERA.
Dear Parents and Students of G4-7,
Kindly find the updates on how the exam will be administered and also some updates on the breakdown, hence these documents should be used. Go through the instructions carefully.
Kindly check with teachers to ensure you have the right worksheet(s) if any. Teachers will publish them both on Classdue and Edupage.
Midyear exam timetable and breakdown
Dear Parents and Students of G4-7,
Please find below the above subject matter and kindly go through the instructions carefully. Further information and/or updates will be sent later as explained.
For now, it is expected that our dear students intensify their studies from now in order to attain high scores.
Bell times
Sun 30/3/2025Calendar
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